Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Ah-MAZING Angie!

Angie Harmon is quite simply put INCREDIBLE!!

If you're looking for all sorts of background/career information on her, I don't blame you, but this isn't the post for that... there are plenty of online resources to help you which I won't pretend I can contest with.  Try Wikipedia or IMDB.  This post is a collection of all the fun, random tidbits about her life that she chooses to share with us through Twitter, interviews and Twangles.

THAT being said... in no particular order, here are some random fun facts about The Ah-MAZING Angie!
I'll try REAL hard to keep my commentary out of this!  It will be in italics though if I can't help myself.  You understand, she's entirely too incredible to NOT gush over!

- REALLY wants to play She Hulk
- Likes to tell her fans what time of day it is (DAYTIME! / NIGHTTIME!) (she's so cute! :) )
- Shares empowering, thought-provoking life philosophies through quotes and replies to fans
- Loves the National Forensic Academy
- Would be on "the body farm" at National Forensic Academy if she could
- Loves to tweet pics
- Advice for when you're in a dark place: turn on some music, talk to your mom, go for a walk, pray for strength and peace
- Serious runner
- Loves "sexy, summer red" pedicures
- Patriotic and supportive of our country and its athletes/competitors
- Makes up her own words: "slutism" as in "I'm not promoting slutism" (LOL!)
- Loves the movie "Big"
- Thinks "Frankie & Frost's Dance Off" was one of the funniest things she's ever witnessed in a scene... "or in life"
- Huge NASCAR fan
- Her daughters are her "3 favorite people"
- Loves S'mores
- Truly appreciates the little things in life!  ...beautiful scenery, fun times with her friends, cute things from her fans and everything in between
- Favorite NYC restaurant: The Mermaid Inn
- She. Plays. Beer Pong. (my new dream in life is to play with or against her!)

Life Philosophies: (MostlyTweets she's written; some quotes she's RT'd)
Today is a great day! No matter how tired you are, push thru to make it your best!!
You cannot spell B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L without BE U.
You can't have a good relationship with someone if you can't be friends too. And you should always treat friends with respect and loyalty.
I know what I stand for, I know what I don't stand for, and may I have the courage to live my life accordingly.
I know that you better hang on and just remember to enjoy it. That's because life goes by really, really quickly
What I know is that life is awesome.I know that life is gigantic, fantastic, scary, dangerous and a roller coaster ride.

...and that my friends is what we call an Ah-MAZING person!  Ah-MAZING people can have an incredible impact on your life, even from afar, if you let them... and even in the form of portraying a fictional character who energizes and inspires you through her on-screen (and real life!) friendships and strength.

Check back!  This is always being updated!  Feel free to leave with comments with more fun Angie facts and where I can find it's source and I'd be happy to add it! - Updated 8/16/12 @ 8:30pm

*GIFs not mine > I save awesome things after I reblog them :)

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